GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 2024-04-18T08:36:32+00:00 Dr. EKEKE, JOHN NDUBUEZE Open Journal Systems <p><strong><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="aptos: Arial, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;">(e-ISSN 2795-3248&nbsp;p-ISSN 2795-3222) </span></span></span><span style="aptos: Arial, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;">Some of the major topics include (but are not limited to) are </span></span></span><span style="helvetica: Arial, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'Aptos', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;">Law, Anthropology, Archaeology, Geography, and Regional Planning, Terrorism, Business Management, Business Studies, Communication studies, Corporate Governance, Corporate organization, Criminology, Cross-cultural, studies, Demography, Development Studies, Economics, English, Literature, Entrepreneurship, ethics, General History, Geography, History, Human, human Tribes, Industrial relations, Information Science, International relations, International studies, Law, Legal Management, Library Science, Linguistics, literature, Local Languages, Market Management, Media studies, Music, Operational Management. </span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: medium;"><a title="Journal Impact Factor" href=""><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua', serif;"><span style="helvetica: Arial, serif;"><span style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-size: 1.5em;"><span style="text-shadow: #FF0000 0px 0px 2px;">Impact Factor: 2.435</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></a></span></strong></p> STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING PUBLIC SERVICES CASE STUDY AT THE OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION UNIT OF THE REGIONAL REVENUE OFFICE OF EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE IN SAMARINDA 2024-03-21T19:44:04+00:00 Akbar Aswin Futum Hubaib <p><strong>Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, is a reference for government administrators to provide optimal and maximum services. Public services have so far been considered to be far from the expectations and desires of the community. The expected services are services that are fast, precise, easy, transparent, uncomplicated, and professional. The research aims to determine the strategy for improving public services carried out by the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Office of the East Kalimantan Province Regional Revenue Service in Samarinda. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis which begins with the process of data collection, data simplification, data presentation, and conclusion. In this research, data collection techniques using literature studies, and field studies are used, namely by collecting data through observation, documentation, and interviews to obtain clearer information on what is needed in the research. The results of the research show that: (1) the strategy to improve public services at the UPTD Office of the Regional Revenue Service of East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda has gone well, namely: building service quality and improving service management, building a culture of awareness of the importance of service quality, providing parking spaces spacious, large warehouse, comfortable waiting room and place to fill out forms for customers, and installation of signboards for procedures or flow in providing services, there are information boards relating to service information; and (2) the inhibiting factor in improving public services at the UPTD Office of the Regional Revenue Service of East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda, namely that there are still some employee errors in providing services, although there are no longer many.</strong></p> 2024-03-21T19:44:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Insurance Investments and Economic Performance in Nigeria 2024-03-25T20:35:52+00:00 Omiete Victoria Olulu-Briggs Fred Vincent Fred-Horsfall <p><strong>The study looks at insurance investment and economic performance in Nigeria between 1996: Q1 and 2022:Q4. Secondary series were obtained without bias from the Central Bank of Nigeria's statistical database. At the 95 percent confidence level, the Johansen co-integration, VEC Granger Causality, and VECM were used. The presence of long-run form among the variables is demonstrated by Johansen co-integration; the absence of joint supports for gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and gross domestic product (GDP) is demonstrated by the VEC Granger Causality (GDP). For VECM, shares and bonds, and real estate and mortgage investment significantly retard GFCF, whereas government securities only significantly reduce GFCF; government securities and shares and bonds are negative but significant to GDP, but real estate and mortgage investment significantly promotes GDP. In addition, we find that errors in the short run are corrected at a rate of 6% and 7.7% in the long run for GFCF and GDP, respectively. In conclusion, insurance investments have a negative impact on Nigeria's economic performance. As a result, we advocate for an increase in the breadth of the Nigerian exchange's product offering; the revitalization of failing and ailing firms in terms of restructuring, where most of the funds of insurance firms have been channeled; and a halt to investment in government securities, which slows economic performance. Furthermore, more funds should be committed to real estate and mortgage in order to stimulate economic progress, as it promotes economic progress infinitesimally.</strong></p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Enseigner l’humanité dans un monde de crise : quels enjeux éducatifs ? 2024-03-31T21:08:36+00:00 Salma Errakkaz <p><strong><em>Résumé</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;L’enseignement occupe une place essentiellement importante dans le fonctionnement d’une société. Il contribue à transformer les modes de penser et d’agir des apprenants. </em><em>La relation entre apprenant et enseignant doit se baser sur les finalités de l’éducation. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de transmettre les savoirs de base, mais aussi de regarder le devenir. L’objectif est de questionner&nbsp; la nature humaine, tout en tentant de passer d’un état à un autre meilleur. Le questionnement, à ce niveau, n’est pas une simple compréhension mais une profonde réflexion. En sus, le progrès&nbsp; de l’Homme crée un patrimoine commun à l’humanité. Ce patrimoine est dû essentiellement à une civilisation.&nbsp; Dès son arrivée au monde, l’être humain vit dans une société.&nbsp; Les lois&nbsp; de chaque société appliquent une mécanique, celle de l’enseignement. Ce qui conduit au développement humain, social et civique. En effet, l’épanouissement des esprits ne peut être effectué qu’à travers l’éducation. Celle-ci véhicule un ensemble des valeurs humaines. En plus, la connaissance de ces valeurs est fondamentale dans la mesure où nous apprenons à vivre ensemble. Seule une connaissance de la connaissance peut apporter des changements dans les méthodes de l’enseignement. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Mots-clés&nbsp;: </em></strong><em>Crise ; humanité&nbsp;;&nbsp; éducation&nbsp;; enseignement&nbsp;; savoir devenir. </em></p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p><em>Teaching plays an essentially important role in the functioning of a society. It helps transform the ways of thinking and acting of learners. The relationship between learner and teacher must be based on the purposes of education. It is not only about transmitting basic knowledge, but also about looking towards the future. The objective is to question human nature, while attempting to move from one state to a better one. Questioning, at this level, is not just understanding but deep reflection. Furthermore, human progress creates a common heritage for humanity. This heritage is essentially due to civilization. From birth, human beings live in a society. The laws of each society apply a mechanism, that of education. This leads to human, social, and civic development. Indeed, the flourishing of minds can only be achieved through education. It conveys a set of human values. Moreover, knowledge of these values is fundamental as we learn to live together. Only knowledge knowledge can bring about changes in teaching methods.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords </strong></p> <p><em>Crisis; humanity; education; teaching; knowledge of becoming.</em></p> 2024-03-31T20:45:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FUND ACCOUNTING AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA 2024-04-15T20:02:10+00:00 Dr. Egbe, Solomon Lawson Abiye Okebiobramama <p><em>This research paper examined the relationship between Fund Accounting and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria for a period of 10 years from (2008-2017). Secondary data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of each year, the Recurrent and Capital Budget of the selected time series, and the Appropriation Act of each year were used for analysis, to test the hypotheses formulated. Ordinary least square multiple linear regression was the statistical tool used for the analysis with the aid of E-view 10. The proxy for the independent variable; Fund Accounting; Capital Development Fund and dependent variable Infrastructural Development; Education Sector was used to formulate the hypotheses tested. In carrying out the analysis, the stationary test showed that the variables were stationary at first difference. The co-Integration test proved the presence of a long run relationship between the variables. The granger causality test proved no causality between the variables. The recommendation made after the results posits that theFund accounting principle should be adhered to, for an effective and efficient accountability system, infrastructural development, economic growth and all round development in Nigeria.</em></p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## BOLAJI AKINYEMI: AN “INTER-LECTUAL” OR JUST AN INTELLECTUAL? 2024-04-18T08:36:32+00:00 Dr Dapo Thomas <p><strong>Bolaji Akinyemi’s enigmatic personality and his perceptive understanding of foreign policy issues has compelled an interrogation into his disciplinary status and academic expertise in the field of international relations. His versatility in the social sciences has incommoded the controversy of specialization in the academia. Akinyemi’s prodigy drives international affairs into the route of international relations thus energizing a healthy debate on the radicalization of various academic disciplines which possess the potential for contending collision. This paper provides a nexus for orthodoxy and idealism, radicalism and conservatism, realism and liberalism. Adopting the analytical approach, the paper submits that conceptual comprehensibility is an elixir for classificatory appropriateness.</strong></p> <p><strong>Akinyemi’s disputations in many of his work in and outside the academia are sufficient to categorize him as an inter-lectual.</strong></p> 2024-04-18T08:36:32+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##