Internal Challenges and Planning in Creating Indonesia as the Axis of the World Maritime Economy

  • Indira Asa Putri Defense Economic Study Program, Defense management Faculty Indonesia
  • Guntur Eko Saputro Defense Economic Study Program, Defense management Faculty Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesia, Maritime Economy, Internal Challenges


The achievement of the vision of the world maritime axis must be directly proportional to the conditions of national stability. In other words, successful maritime development can only run well if it is supported by strong defense and security, both nationally, regionally, and globally. Thus, the Indonesian Navy as the main component of national defense at sea which carries out the functions of deterrence, enforcement, and restoration of national security is obliged to carry out its duties to uphold national sovereignty at sea, maintain the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and safeguard the safety of the entire nation. The research method used is literature review research with a descriptive approach. The result is In realizing this vision of the world's maritime axis, the role of all components of the nation is needed to realize a strong national defense by taking into account the country's geopolitics and geo-economy with a maritime perspective so that a national defense development plan with a maritime perspective is needed.


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How to Cite
Asa Putri, I., & Eko Saputro, G. (2022). Internal Challenges and Planning in Creating Indonesia as the Axis of the World Maritime Economy. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(12), 01-11.