Variety of Biofuels as Future Fuels (Environmentally Friendly Fuels)

  • Ice Fahmi The Republic of Indonesia Defense University Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nugroho AdiSasongko The Republic of Indonesia Defense University Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Donny Yoesgiantoro The Republic of Indonesia Defense University Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Biodiesel, Bioethanol, BioAvtur, Green Diesel, Green Gasoline, Green Avtur


At this time human life cannot be separated from the use of fossil oil energy, where almost every line of life cannot be separated from use of fossil oil. Both for transportation facilities, whether it's land, sea, or air transportation, we have realized that the availability of fuel from fossil materials is running low, so there is a need for alternative materials to replace fossil fuels because the consumption of fuel oil continues to increase from time to time. availability of oil supply from fossil availability the rest is limited, and Indonesia's oil shortage is a real possibility. As a result, Indonesia has to import crude oil and petroleum for raw materials for refineries. Products that meet energy demand in the community. On the other hand, Indonesia has great potential. The possibility of biomass or renewable resources being used as biofuel for biodiesel and bioethanol (ethanol) where the raw materials for these fuel products are available and can be renewable. Therefore, energy diversification To reduce oil, biofuels need to be introduced as an alternative to oil consumption, especially in the transportation sector. As a result, the land is needed to grow palm oil for the supply of biodiesel feedstock and its surroundings. We grow cassava and provide the raw material for bioethanol. The goal is to challenge the use of biofuels as a pioneer for alternative energy materials. So that in the future it is possible that the use of biofuels is the main fuel because in addition level of COpollution2 to the minimal, oil palm plantations with a 30-year plant renewal cycle are the lungs of the world that can absorb CO 2, so it can be ascertained that the use of This alternative biofuel fuel is the right fuel.


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How to Cite
Fahmi, I., AdiSasongko, N., & Yoesgiantoro, D. (2022). Variety of Biofuels as Future Fuels (Environmentally Friendly Fuels). GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(07), 09-16.