Keywords: Environment, Ethics, Cosmology, Ecology, Creation


Almost on daily basis, there is evidence of wanton destruction of the environment, overexploitation of natural resources, unconscious elimination of creation, and extinction of animal and plant species. Many people also suffer as a result of pollution and other activities erupting and interfering with the atmosphere. Factors like sicknesses, hardship, crises, insecurity and conflicts, loss of loved ones, and challenges of all sorts are some major disadvantages of ecocide faced in today’s society. The causes of ecocide however include ignorance, poverty, and selfishness amongst others. These, therefore, call for concerted efforts in adopting lifestyles and practices that would help the environment and the creations God has freely given to humanity. The researcher believes that Christianity and other religions, the government, institutions, corporations, and companies have parts to play in the sustenance and development of nature and the maintenance of the integrity of creation in the present dispensation. Recommendations are proffered on how to preserve, conserve and possibly restore the present environments and creations to the level that brings glory to God, and also, peace and joy to mankind.


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Author Biography


William Wheatley Theological College, Azuiyi Oloko, Ikwuano L.G.A., Abia State, Nigeria


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How to Cite
TOM SILAS, S. (2022). ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND THE WAY-OUT. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(05), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6777874