Impact of the mining governance of Kibali goldmines (KGM) on social acceptability in the Watsa and Faradje Territories in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Emmanuel Tamidribe Tanyobe Researcher
  • Mulungo Mfuende Teacher and researcher
  • Mapale Talizo Justin Teacher-researcher
  • NGUMBI KITETE Casimir Professor
Keywords: Watsa, Faradje, social acceptability, Kibali Gold mines, KGM


The arrival of private capital in the mining sector in Africa in general and in the DRC in particular has given rise to a new phenomenon, namely the "controversy" between local stakeholders and the mining right holder. This controversy raises the question of the social acceptability (the result of a process by which the stakeholders involved agree together on the minimum conditions to be put in place for a project, program or policy to integrate harmoniously, at a given time, into its host environment) of the mining enterprise in its development environment. Its achievement fulfilled a condition allowing all actors to benefit from mining including, of course, local communities.

In Watsa and Faradje Territories, Kibali Gold mines (KGM) has invested heavily for the benefit of local communities, according to figures included in various company reports. On the other hand, these communities do not seem to fully express their satisfaction with these investments, hence the question of social acceptability highlighted.

Indexed as the cause of this low social acceptability, KGM's governance has been developed at three levels " Mining Public Policy ", "KGM implementation process" and "KGM'S Social Responsibility governance" and has made it clear that there has been a gap between what should be done and what is actually done. This distance is a major factor affecting the social acceptability of KGM in the territories of Watsa and Faradje.


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Author Biographies

Emmanuel Tamidribe Tanyobe, Researcher

Institute for Applied Social Research (IRSA)
Institution: University of Kisangani

Mulungo Mfuende, Teacher and researcher

Kisangani University

Mapale Talizo Justin, Teacher-researcher

Institution: Higher Educational Institute of Watsa

NGUMBI KITETE Casimir, Professor

University of Kisangani +243811538899.


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How to Cite
Tanyobe, E., Mfuende, M., Justin, M., & Casimir, N. (2020). Impact of the mining governance of Kibali goldmines (KGM) on social acceptability in the Watsa and Faradje Territories in the Democratic Republic of Congo. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 3(05), 18-39. Retrieved from