• Patricia dos Santos Vieira
  • Leonardo José Dias Pereira
  • Guilherme de Beaurepaire Pereira da Silv
Keywords: information security, organizational culture, Brazil


An extensive literature review on the organizational culture in Brazil is presented and compared to the information security culture, in the past decade. This article is provided scholars with a new perspective and taxonomy on the case study analysis, and implications of these findings are discussed, as part of the master’s thesis from one of the authors (Vieira, 2008). Recommendations for future investigation and discussion compile the present work.


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How to Cite
Santos Vieira, P. dos, DIAS, M. D., Dias Pereira, L. J., & Pereira da Silv, G. de B. (2022). BRAZILIAN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON INFORMATION SECURITY: A LITERATURE REVIEW. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 5(01), 56-67.