Contributions of co-operative societies to economic development in kogi State, Nigeria

  • ADEMU YUNUSA Kogi State University, Anyigba
  • ELESHO TEMITOPE MICHEAL Kogi State University, Anyigba
  • ADUKU DANLAMI JOSEPH Kogi State University, Anyigba
Keywords: Cooperative Societies, Economic Development, Rebuilding, Society, Development


This paper examined the contributions of cooperative societies to economic development in Kogi State, Nigeria. The paper also attempts to investigate the effects of cooperative societies to the economic development of Nigeria. The paper adopted a descriptive survey designed. The study was carried out in Yagba East Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. The population of the study was 750 respondents. The instrument for the data collection was structured questionnaire developed by the researchers. Two research questions were posed for the study. Frequency and percentages were used to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that cooperative societies have been faced with the problem of inadequate financing to loan and equipping their members. The findings of the study also revealed that the major setbacks in establishing and running co-operative societies are lack of appropriate leadership and suitable management control. From the findings of the study, the study recommended that cooperative societies in Nigeria should make optimum use of all resources and strive continuously to enhance productivity of resources; ensure highest efficiency while providing services to members; improve management capabilities and competencies through effective organizational designs and structures; mobilize capital and as well set greater stress on internal capital formation and accumulation. The study also recommended that the government should contribute significantly to improve cooperative performance by facilitating access of cooperatives support services and their human resource development.


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Author Biographies

ADEMU YUNUSA, Kogi State University, Anyigba

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Management Sciences

ELESHO TEMITOPE MICHEAL, Kogi State University, Anyigba

Department of Public Administration

Faculty of Management Sciences

ADUKU DANLAMI JOSEPH, Kogi State University, Anyigba

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Management Sciences


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How to Cite
YUNUSA, A., MICHEAL, E., & JOSEPH, A. (2018). Contributions of co-operative societies to economic development in kogi State, Nigeria. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 1(1), 01-18. Retrieved from